Another Rant – Show Some Self-Restraint!

BullFolks, we collectively need to grow up and show some self-restraint!

I’ve been reading blogs and listening to podcasts where all sorts of folks, folks that I respect and even admire, talk about their inability to exhibit self-control when they get on the internet. I’m talking about opening up a browser window and getting drawn in a hundred different directions away from what they set out to do. Being distracted to the point of not being able to accomplish the task they set out to do.

Trust me, I know the pull. I’m just as likely as the next person to feel the draw of llama videos on YouTube. I’m drawn to Facebook like everybody else. And Twitter. And Instagram. Pinterest can be a black hole for me. Not to mention Vine…stupid six-second videos that can eat up hours.

But I’ve come to the realization that I need to exhibit self control. Not only have I come to the realization, I’ve done something about it. I’ve simply told myself it’s time to man-up and avoid the distractions when I should be getting stuff done. As part of that process, I’ve given myself permission to have some unstructured free-time on the internet over the past few weeks. I’ve set out to look for stupid stuff to entertain me. Hence the llama videos. And music videos. And comedy. I’ve spelunked around Facebook, and even clicked on links to BuzzFeed articles!

Outside those unstructured free-times on the internet though, I’ve been able to maintain much better focus on what I need to accomplish. If I run across something that I’d like to read, but will take me down a rabbit hole, I save the link to Instapaper. Then when I have some time, I strategically read my Instapaper articles. But I do it with purpose. I’m making a conscious, considered decision to delve into Instapaper rather than just following anything shiny that seems interesting whenever it’s presented to me.

So take a minute and think about your own habits. Have you really exerted the will-power necessary to get things done? Do you need some tools to fight off the distractions? If so, get them. Find an app blocker. Find a site blocker. Turn off the darned notifications that keep popping up, tempting you to jump off what you’re doing. Look deep into your soul and determine what it’s going to take for you to stay focused online.

Is it easy to keep yourself on track? Yes and no. Does it take some personal accountability and willpower? Yes. Will you have to remind yourself to get back on track? Yes. But is the effort worth it? You betcha!

Folks, the internet is a great place to learn things, to connect with people, and to make the world a smaller place. But it’s also full of rabbit holes and junk, it can suck out your brain power, and literally cause you to waste huge blocks of time.

The only way that you’re going to win the battle is to look yourself in the mirror and decide that you’re going to win. Quit being a weenie letting yourself get sucked into the abyss. Stand up to your weaker self and do what you have to do to stay focused on track. Be intentional with what you’re doing. If you’re doing work…work. If you’re playing…play. But make a decision and stick to it!

Now get out there and make it a great day! You can win at this, I know you can.

Life with Baby Kicks