Everything in moderation…NOT!

I’m kind of having fun with my ornery approach to so many cliches. Today I’m taking aim at “Everything in Moderation”. Don’t be moderate in everything. There are too many things that need vastly more than moderation. Hugging your kids for example. There are never too many hugs. Even my older kids like getting hugged. Sure, they don’t want to be hugged all the time…but they’re still young. They’ll learn that you need to give a hug (and get a hug) every opportunity you can.

Image courtesy of Tina Phillips / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Laughter is another example. You can never laugh too much. We’re so serious all the time. Life is a ridiculous adventure that deserves to be laughed at. If we don’t laugh, we’ll end up crying. Go for the laugh lines…they look better and are more fun producing. When you do things in moderation, you’re exhibiting self-control. That’s often a good thing. It’s important to know when too much is too much. But it’s also important to let go and just live. I mean the great big steaming bowl of life that needs to be consumed until you can’t contain another drop. How many times have you done that lately? Have you really experienced life outside the moderation zone? I know that I’m guilty of too much moderation in that regard. I need to just relax and let life happen. I need to enjoy the ride while soaking up all the opportunities that life has to offer. Not a moderate portion of life, but a huge helping. Too much of the time I’m worried about what other people will think. I’m scheduled to the hilt. I’m so busy getting from one event to the next that I don’t get to enjoy myself. Far too often I’m too moderate. I need to color outside the lines. I need to quit being so stuffy, so uptight. I need to let loose and laugh. I mean really belly laugh…the kind where you’re crying and gasping for air at the same time. I need to hug my kids, the kind of hug that you just melt into. So this week I’m going to start throwing the moderation out the window in some cases. Not everything…I’m still going to strive for enough sleep, a reasonably healthy plate at meals, and some exercise…but I’m going to let go in some other areas, especially around the kids. How about you, what moderation can you give up for the next week?