Make a dent in the universe

steve-jobs-quotes-crazyI recently read an article in on Entrepreneur Magazine’s website about Steve Jobs titled Steve Jobs and the Seven Rules for Success. If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I really like many of the things that Steve Jobs said. I realize he wasn’t a Saint, and that his management style was severely lacking at times. I only know him from what I’ve read and watched about him. My college roommate, on the other hand, worked with him at Apple. I’ve got the advantage that I “know” an idealized version of Steve…which is fine with me.

You see, I need somebody who’s guiding me. Somebody who prompts me to be better than I would be if I didn’t have the prompting. Someone who won’t let me slack or cut corners. But I’m an introvert. I don’t really have a best friend, and I struggle to even find accountability buddies when I’m working on something. So I’ve turned to semi-public figures for my guidance. Specifically, I’ve kind of latched onto Steve Jobs for this. I’ve watched many of his speeches and presentations in awe of his ability to make a point. And I’ve tried to grasp what made him tick.

The article on the Entrepreneur.com website put much of his success, and more generally his approach to not only work, but life as well, into focus. The essence of the article is a seven point list:

  1. Do what you love
  2. Put a dent in the universe
  3. Make connections
  4. Say no to 1,000 things
  5. Create insanely different experiences
  6. Master the message
  7. Sell dreams, not products

Throughout this year, one of my goals is to incorporate these seven tenets into my daily life. I’ve sort of been thinking about several of the for a while. I’ve been trying to discern exactly what it is that I love so that I’m sure I’m doing it. There’s an awful lot that I like, but I’m still searching and refining exactly what it is that I love.

I’ve done well at saying “No”. Heck, I had a year where I never said “Yes” to any request, but simply said “Maybe”. I’m still trying to stick with my Just Say Maybe campaign, but I fall off the bandwagon regularly.

I’ve also been working really hard to make connections with people. I’m good at connecting information from disparate sources to come to new conclusions. I loved that older TV show Connections where the narrator, James Burke, would take you from one invention or event in history through a series of progressions to a very modern invention or event. I do that sort of thing all the time. My kids hate me sometimes as I’m weaving the story of how I got from point A to point Z, but I don’t let them ruin my vibe. While I can do that with historical events and inventions, I need to work on making those sorts of connections with people. It’s something I’m working really hard on.

As for the other tenets…I have a ways to go.

When I get right down to it though, it’s to Put a dent in the universe that really resonates with me. I want to make a difference. I want to make the world a better place because I was here. I want to leave a legacy that matters. That’s what I’m really focusing on. I’m doing the little things that become big things. I’m searching for my voice so that I can be heard. I’m battling against my shyness so that I can connect with others and learn about them while they learn about me.

Ultimately, the kind of dent that I make in the universe will be the very definition of my success.

So join me and get out there and make a dent in the universe!

Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com