Quit Shutting Up

It’s time to quit shutting up!

There, I’ve said it. I almost convinced myself that’s all that I needed to write for this post, but then I decided that I better explain myself.

You see, I’ve simply had it. I’m fed up with always being the one nice guy in the room. The one who is agreeable with everybody, but doesn’t really state my opinion for fear of insulting somebody. No, that’s not right…it’s too strong a word “insulting”. It’s more a few of making anybody feel uncomfortable. I’ll speak my peace at home, and my poor family has to put up with my rants. Sometimes I’ll say something to close friends, but when I get into a public forum I’m always nice, polite, and frankly about as bland as they come.

Over the past few weeks I’ve become a bit more outspoken about some of the things that I believe in. I’ve been particularly outspoken on Facebook lately, and it’s caused some people to be uncomfortable. Sorry, but then again, I’m not.

You see, I really value discussion and different points of view. It’s part of what makes our society so great. We can have all sorts of different viewpoints, and still get along. But I’ve taken civility too far in the past. I’ve been too quiet when things are being discussed that I disagree with. I’m not saying I’m going to start picking fights, but I am going to state my opinion. And I’m pretty sure I’m going to be stating it a lot.

But I do expect a certain type of civility that does seem to be lacking. I’m not going to put up with personal attacks. Not towards me, and not towards others. I don’t have to share your beliefs, views, or thoughts to know that you are completely entitled to them. You’re even guaranteed the right to speak those thoughts. It’s part of what makes this country great.

Discuss, argue, battle with me. Whatever. Use facts, your interpretation of those facts, and anything else that you want to use. Pull your resources from any source that makes sense to you. I’m more than happy to listen. In fact, I encourage you to make me stretch and squirm a little. Maybe even a lot. I’m not beyond changing my mind about things, and I certainly can’t form my own opinions if I don’t look outside my comfort zone and sphere of knowledge.

But if you attack me as a person…we’re gonna have a hard time. If you attack somebody in the room with me, I’m going to stand in the gap for them. I won’t attack you in turn, but I’ll certainly help you understand that what you’re doing is not going to pass muster.

So I’ve said it, it’s time for me to quit shutting up.

How about you, are you willing to go out on a limb, potentially alienate some friends or new folks, but engage in truly meaningful discourse?

I’m asking you to think about it and consider taking the risk. It’s the only way that I know that we can grow.