So Many Doors, Which One to Choose?

Hey everybody, I’m glad you’re out there reading this blog post!

If you’ve been a somewhat regular reader of my blog, you know that sometimes I’m prolific in my writing, posting several times a week, and sometimes I’m a bit more lax, going days and days without a post. I’ve been at this blogging thing for two years, and I’ve bounced all over the board with what I’ve posted. Initially I had a list that I whittled away at, blogging about topics that had been on my mind for years. I shared stories that I’ve told hundreds of times. My kids call them my parables. They’re right in that those stories all have a purpose, some nugget that’s worth sharing, but has to be wrapped in a candy-coating to get you to try it out.

I’ve also written posts about the tools that I use in my everyday life. Things that I think might be helpful to others who are in a similar situation. I’ve written knee-jerk posts when something just hits me wrong (usually) or right (occasionally). I’ve posted about free stuff that’s made a difference to me. I’ve even shared some of my favorite quotes and expanded definitions of words that you might not know.

In short, the blog’s been a mishmash of all sorts of things. The topics have been all over the board, and frankly the only cohesive factor has been that I’ve been writing the posts.

With the start of the new school year here in Kansas, I decided to take a bit of time to figure out where I’m headed with the Hectic-Dad blog. Quite honestly, I’m working in a bit of a vacuum with the blog, and that’s proven to be kind of weird. When I started out on this journey, I was a SAHD/WAHD (stay at home dad/work at home dad). All my kids were in school, and my youngest was in her latter years of elementary school. During the course of that first year, Hectic Grandson was born, and then he and his Mom came to live with us. Exactly a year ago yesterday, I started to watch him full-time.

Being the full-time caregiver to a toddler when you in your early 50’s is fun, but taxing. He runs my schedule, and as such, I’m struggling to get anything done, let alone do justice to the blog the way I would like. Everyday is an adventure for the Hectic Clan, and especially for Hectic Grandson and myself.

sherlock-holmes-462957_640So here’s the thing…I want to focus this blog. But I’m not sure where to focus it. That’s where you come in. What would you like to read about? What would you like me to chronicle or discuss in this forum? Do you, dear reader have anything that you’d like to read when you visit Hectic-Dad?

I’ve got some very ethereal ideas of what I might do, but I’d rather write what you folks would like to read. Oh, and write things that you’d like to share with your friends. Honestly, I’d like to build a community here…and to do that I need your input.

So here’s my call to action for you:

Would you be so kind as to leave a comment as to what you like about the Hectic-Dad blog, what you don’t like, and what you’d like to see in the future?

While I’ve been rotten at responding to comments in the past, that’s changing when the calendar flips over to October. So be prepared for some interplay here. I’m happy to pick your brain if you’re willing to let me.

Most of all, thanks for reading and dropping by. I honestly can’t thank you enough for taking a couple minutes out of your day to read my ramblings. Hopefully I can make those ramblings more of what you want!

Make it a great day!

Many Doors